
Thursday, August 19, 2010

The perfect way to get over someone!

After having had the most dramatic break up ever, I decided to make a few changes in my life. I thought that the best way to get back at that nasty ex of mine was to be the one to recover faster from the break up! So my long-drawn process of changing little things about myself started!

1. I decided to lose weight. Of course, this is something I've been wanting to do since the eighth grade, but I finally decided to go for it. I had already joined the gym a few months back but now, I ensured I ate all the right food (fruits and vegetables - I felt like a cow for the first few weeks!) and religiously worked out everyday! By the end of May, I was feeling absolutely great about myself and the way I was shaping up!

2. I felt like a new look! So I went and got my hair styled (spent two months' worth of pocket money on it!) and decided to get the ends of my hair coloured red. Now, let me tell you - I've always been someone who can never get herself to do something 'funky'. Thats includes painting my nails different colours or colouring my hair red or even just wearing a top that would make people take a second look at me! So deciding to colour my hair red was a big deal and I suddenly felt empowered!

3. Having worked on the way I looked, I figured that it was time to work on the environment that I spend most of my time in. I'd just moved back home from Chennai so I ended up redecorating my room and throwing out all the clothes and pictures that I had of his (yes yes, even his huge comfortable t-shirts!) I did spend a lot of time crying over it and waking up with puffy eyes, but it definitely made me feel better!

4. Finally, I realised that it was time for me to set my priorities right. For those of you that don't know yet, its my dream to have the whole nation listen to me sing someday. So I decided that I would dedicate the next three years to my music and to everything that I was going to do at college!

Now everything that I did seemed to be brilliant things to do to get over him. Even emotionally, I worked on making myself stronger (unfortunately, that hasn't worked very well. I'm still a cry-baby sometimes!)

But somehow, the universe thought that I hadn't changed enough; or maybe it thought I changed too much.
So this universe conspired and sent an old plump man who had spent most of his life being a numerologist to meet my father. And that fateful evening was when my name got changed.

I was Prerana - Inspiration.

Now, I'm Purvaa - one syllable away from my ex-boyfriend's name.

So much for change, eh?


  1. Hey!! To quote someone I cant recall - "change is the only constant in life." (I dont know why I said that but now that its out of the way, I can get to the point of this comment =P )

    I like how you put yourself out there (here!), for us to judge, critique, accept, ignore, love, hate etc. etc. Btw, I love you so dont forget that!!

    Well, I'm actually kinda sleepy and my brain is unable to say more at this point in time. So I will read this again (later) and tell you what (else / more) I thought about the piece itself =))

  2. this is such a darling piece :) your a wonderful person purva don't ever forget that ... lots of love <3

  3. PURVAA <3 This is a lovely piece! It's funny and takes a wonderfully honest, refreshing approach to an age-old dilemma :) Thanks so much for sharing it, love you! xx

  4. love the spirit in your writing :) and i know this is the most cliched sentence ever, but since i'm a sucker for cliches, here goes - i'm sure it was all for the best! you can think of a hundred reasons why you're better off but on a shallow level, you're SUPER funky now thanks to your new makeover!! and i lou you :)

  5. such an honest piece ... i could so, relate ! except the last part :P though.

  6. Haha!!
    Thanks for the comments!

  7. I love it! And funnily enough, I think the light, wry stuff is more your forte than the heavy stuff! Keep writing stuff like this :)

  8. smit here...
    it takes a lot to be honest to yourself let alone the whole world... what u did was courageous. so go ahead and take a bow:)
    and whether your names purvaa or prerana you are always going to be our red haired c girl...
