
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tottenham Court Road =)

i wrote this a really really long time ago, it's an extract from one of my stories, one of the many i didn't finish. maybe you should know, my stories are sometimes just diary entries written in third i write them to just have the simple pleasure and relief of writing, and, fortunately or unfortunately, making sense is not one of the requirements. i found this in an old notebook and i think it stirred something in me, so i thought i'd put it up. the rest of the story is probably lost. this is it.
lots of love, apoorva

Her vision went fuzzy. Tottenham Court Road! Tottenham Court Road? That was where they were going? Suddenly she forgot what she was doing. What did they need to go to Tottenham Court Road for? Why was her mother coming? She knew the way to Tottenham Court Road. She could roll there with her eyes closed. Nobody needed to go with her. But why was she going? She didn't need to go. What was so special about Tottenham Court Road? There was nothing there. Nothing different about it from any other road. Except that she could look fixedly at her feet or even shut her eyes throughout the entire ride and still feel it in her bones when they reached it. Why? She stumbled out of the car, following her mother robotically. What were they doing here? She didn't want to be here. Why was everyone always trying to bring her here? She felt like she could hear her own heartbeat, and also that of every person around her. Could you differentiate heartbeats? Did everyone have a distinctive one? Whose was she hearing? Whose was she listening for?

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