
Friday, October 1, 2010

Thank You, Damn You

I thought my world was all there was
But then you entered it
Until then I was content
With both feet on the ground
I did not know I could fly
You gave me wings
You helped me fly
I wanted more
I wanted to get closer

Closer to you
You were my everything
You were my Sun
But as I got closer
My wings began to melt
You had cheated me
Those wings you gave me
Those wings on which I soared

They were wings of wax
But I had to reach you
I tried one last time
I was about to touch you
Then my wings melted
And from that blinding height

I fell

Bruised and bleeding
My wings gone
Hot wax
Their remains
Dripping over my torn body
I wonder

Do I hate you?
For you taught me how to fly

Do I love you?
For you left me to fall

I do not know who I am anymore
I do not know whether to hate you
Or love you
You gave me a taste
Of something I can never forget
Of what life could be like
My world no longer sates me

I want to fly again

Yes, fly again
Not with you

Thank You
Damn You

I will never forget you

You, my Sun
And I
Your Icarus



  1. WOW...You wrote that :O
    Good stuff :)

  2. Wow :) I love the last two lines they are so perfect for this . and the bit about the falling and the wax is well-done too :)

  3. i like it :)
    specially "fly again-but not with you part"

  4. Awww shy is coming!
    Okay, one thing I forgot, credit for the beautiful artwork I used goes to catgirlkari.
    And the original image may be found at
    Its beautiful :)

  5. Love it. You've adapted the story so beautifully <3

  6. i love how you don't hate them because they taught you to fly and you don't love them because they left you to fall. that's a brilliant way to put it, really.
